One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Admissions & Aid

With programs for undergraduate, graduate, and dual-enrolled high school students, 巴黎人登录官方网站以卓越的教育和有意识的门徒训练来改变生活.

Experience Life-Transforming Education

As a Cedarville student, 你会在你的领域里成为一个专业人士,并被鼓励在与基督同行中成长. 你将准备好利用你的技能和影响力来改变王国. What doors can a Cedarville education open for you?

Undergraduate Programs


1000 DaysTransformed

You'll spend approximately 1000 Days in college. Wherever you go, the experience will be life-transforming. That's why it is so important to choose wisely. Every day matters!

选择一所有意用圣经世界观进行教学的大学, about academic excellence, and about spiritual growth and discipleship. 选择一所勇敢地为神的道和耶稣基督作见证的大学. Choose Cedarville University!



  • 100% 100% of freshmen receive scholarships – $22,700 average.
  • No. 4 No. 4 in the U.S. for professors’ engagement with students, says The Wall Street Journal.
  • 49/57 来自49个州和57个国家的学生建立了全球职业和事工网络.
  • 98.7% 98.7% of graduates employed or in grad school within six months.

Dual Enrollment Courses

High school student studying with laptop and books at kitchen table

Dual Enrollment for High School Students


As a dual-enrolled high school student, 你将与你的同龄人和现在的塞达维尔本科生一起学习具有挑战性的课程, earning both college and high school credit. 参加在线或面对面的课程,这些课程都是基于圣经的,由大学教授带领,他们会教你出色.

巴黎人登录官方网站的双招生参与了俄亥俄州资助的大学学分加计划, allowing Ohio students to take most courses for free.

Explore Dual Enrollment