
About the BA in Linguistics Degree

Why Study Linguistics at Cedarville?

巴黎人登录官方网站独特的基督教语言学学士学位将让你深入研究人类语言的各个方面. Linguistics, the science of language, 现代语言研究的第三个“支柱”是什么, standing alongside languages and literature.

At Cedarville, 您将通过理论和实践课程来学习语言学,这些课程将为您从事与语言和文化相关的职业做好准备, including civil service, missions (including language learning, 圣经翻译,识字),或者国际商务.

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What Sets Cedarville Apart?

Program Overview

Program Highlights

Thorough 语言学课程将语言的理论探索与实际巴黎人登录官方网站相结合.

Customizable -你可以选择一个适合你职业目标的专业. Choose from:

  • Biblical Languages and Philosophy
  • Computer Science
  • Cultural Studies
  • Education and Psychology
  • English and Writing
  • Global Engagement
  • Information Technology
  • Mathematics
  • Modern Languages

Practical -专业领域的选择为学生在计算机科学等领域提供职业准备, information technology, cultural studies, education, writing, or teaching English as a second language.

Biblical -您的课程将以圣经的世界观进行教学, 运用圣经的原则,将语言作为人类行为的一种独特能力. 您将为进一步的学习做好准备,为您在美国的工作做好准备.S. or overseas, such as civil service, missions (including language learning, 圣经翻译,识字),或者国际商务.

What Can You Do With a Linguistics Degree?


  • Advertising
  • Assessment
  • Computer industry
  • Education
  • Government
  • Language documentation
  • Law
  • Medicine
  • Publishing
  • Teaching ESL (in the U.S. and abroad)
  • Theatre

Additionally, 语言学学士学位将为你在法律等广泛领域的研究生学习做准备, speech therapy, forensics, and modern language education.


在四年的学习计划中,您将有多种机会提高母语以外的语言的熟练程度, to see linguists in action, to participate in research, and to develop, practice, and hone skills related to languages.

Capstone Experience -你将通过设计语言相关的研究和写一篇可发表的论文来结束你的课程.

Internships -您将有机会在海外实习期间获得实际经验,教英语或进行语言调查.

Student Organizations -你可以加入我们的一个学生组织,它结合了社会互动和语言相关的活动.

  • Linguistics Club -语言学俱乐部定期举行活动,加强语言学的实际巴黎人登录官方网站, 比如参观哥伦布COSI博物馆的语言学实验实验室, 看看他们提供的实习机会或TESOL研讨会, hosted by the club.
  • French Club -法语俱乐部定期在la Table de francalais聚会,在课外练习说法语. 他们还参加与文化有关的活动, 比如参观哥伦布的法语教堂, participating in French dinners, and fellowship and worship in French.
  • German Club -德国俱乐部在餐厅举办每周一次的Stammtisch,俱乐部成员, friends, 和教师可以见面练习他们的德语技能,讨论与日耳曼文化有关的当前问题.
  • Spanish Club -西班牙语俱乐部定期聚会练习西班牙语会话. They participate in cultural activities, 包括当地西班牙教堂的事工, 并举办一年一度的“阿拉班扎之夜”活动,向全体学生开放.

Program Curriculum

以你的核心文科和圣经辅修课程为基础, 你将学习语言学核心课程的组合课程, language study, 和课程从你选择的集中领域.

This major offers an accelerated bachelor's-to-master's pathway 专为有意攻读MBA的学生而设.

Sample courses:

  • Advanced Linguistics/Field Methods
  • Linguistics for Language Learning

Program Format and Related Programs

锡达维尔提供研究生和本科课程,有灵活的完成选择. You may also want to 当你考虑最适合你的学位或项目时,请考虑这些相关的项目.

Program Level and Format

  • Undergraduate
  • Residential
  • 4-Year

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