


Cedarville University has earned a reputation for outstanding medical school preparation. 我们用学术知识武装学生, 个人, and spiritual qualities that are needed in the demanding medical profession. 我们的毕业生在各地服务 world, demonstrating Christian compassion, professional competence, and exemplary scholarship. 作为一名塞达维尔医学院预科生, you’ll learn and grow in a supportive community of peers and faculty members.

而我们大多数医学院预科生都主修生物学, 分子生物学, 或化学, you may pursue any major offered at Cedarville University as a premed student. Regardless of your major, you will complete a core set of courses that fulfills the entry U的要求.S. medical schools and prepares you for the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test). 你可以选择学士学位或学士学位. The BS degree is more rigorous in the sciences; the BA is broader and allows for more elective classes 专业以外.

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严格的 -在塞达维尔医学院读预科的时候, you will be exposed to a rigorous curriculum of core biology and chemistry courses, 以及各种高级选修课, 包括人体结构和功能, 遗传学, 免疫学,微生物学和传染病.

人类尸体 — Your study of human anatomy will be enhanced through the use of dissected human cadavers, 各种解剖模型, 还有在线软件. 在解剖学方面表现优异的学生可以选修高级人体解剖 course where you’ll gain hands-on experience dissecting human cadavers (4:1 student-to-cadaver ratio).

专业发展 — A professional development course for incoming premed students fosters community and collaboration among classmates, 以及更高层次的专业发展 course prepares premed students for the medical school application process.

研究的机会 -如果你的专业是生物学或分子生物学, you will obtain valuable research experience working with a faculty member (5:1 student-to-faculty ratio) over the course of at least one semester on a 教员专业领域内的研究课题.


大多数医学院预科生都在为医学院做准备. However, students on this track could also apply to dental, optometry, or physician assistant school.

Cedarville students perform well on the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), 各项成绩均达到或高于全国平均水平.

Cedarville students have gained acceptance to both allopathic (MD) and osteopathic (DO) medical schools throughout the country.

在过去的五年里, 82% Ce的申请医学院的达维尔医学院预科生都被录取了 (71名学生中有58名)——远高于全国平均水平. 首次申请者的录取率 是63%(71人中有45人).

对抗疗法的学校 - Cedarville的毕业生最近就读的对抗性学校包括:

  • 凯斯西储大学
  • 联邦医学院
  • 马歇尔大学
  • 威斯康星医学院
  • 南卡罗来纳医科大学
  • 密歇根州立大学
  • 奥克兰大学威廉·博蒙特
  • 罗文大学
  • 纽约州立大学锡拉丘兹分校
  • 天普大学
  • 辛辛那提大学
  • 密歇根大学
  • 北卡罗来纳大学
  • 弗吉尼亚大学
  • 威斯康星大学

整骨疗法的学校 -巴黎人登录官方网站毕业生最近就读的整骨疗法学校包括:

  • 坎贝尔大学
  • 得梅因大学
  • 爱德华维亚骨科医学院
  • 自由大学
  • 中西部大学
  • 俄亥俄大学
  • 西弗吉尼亚骨科医学院

除了在医学院的高录取率之外, 巴黎人登录官方网站的毕业生一旦进入医学院就会觉得准备充分.

Many graduates have written back expressing appreciation for the rigor and focus of the premed curriculum because it prepared them to 顺利从本科转到医学院.


Chi Theta Pi -巴黎人登录官方网站医学院预科学生组织, Chi Theta Pi, 为锡达维尔医学院预科生创建了一个支持性社区, exposing students to medical opportunities and encouraging them in their pursuit 医学专业的.

社区外展小组 -鼓励医学院预科生培养服务态度. 有很多  社区外展机会 包括一些医学专业的.

EMS培训 -我们当地消防部门每学期提供EMS培训. The class meets on 斯德维尔的 campus at a location convenient for our undergraduate students. 本课程提供了一个机会 for premed students to gain practical hand-on medical training and to become EMT certified. 一次认证, students have opportunity to join the university EMS squad and/or the local township EMS squad.


  • 巴黎人登录官方网站紧急医疗服务中心 (CUEMS) was one of the first student-manned collegiate emergency medical service in the United States. 所有在中国医疗服务中心服务的学生都是经过认证的专业急救医生. This EMS squad works closely with the 巴黎人登录官方网站镇志愿消防队 为学校的紧急医疗服务.
  • 巴黎人登录官方网站镇志愿消防队 (CTVFD)位于校园一英里内,并提供消防, 救护车, 和紧急援助到锡达维尔镇 周边地区. Many premed students are dual members of both CUEMS and Cedarville Township, and some have special certifications in firefighting and advanced life support.

国际任务 -巴黎人登录官方网站学生在不同的国家以不同的方式服务. Students are encouraged to become involved in international missions through their local church, 通过国家组织, 或者作为锡达维尔任务小组的一员. 斯德维尔的 全球推广 办公室每年为大约30次旅行提供便利,其中包括 一些与医疗保健有关的问题. Two teams specifically designed for premed students includes a dental/medical team to the 多米尼加共和国 and a medical team to 巴拉圭.

  • 多米尼加共和国 - 2009年至今, CU premed students have been invited to join a local Ohio dentist as part of a dental missions team to the 多米尼加共和国 during spring break. 这次旅行强调了支持的作用 and coming under Dominican pastors as we bring dental care to underserved areas within their country.
  • 巴拉圭 - 2009年至今, Cedarville premed students have had opportunity to participate as interns with T.I.M.E. (医学传福音培训). 杰夫和艾米·麦基西克. 麦基西克是长期的 SIM传教士, 以及他们SIM团队的其他成员, 接待医学预科学生参加为期六周的暑期实习. During this time, students gain hands-on clinic experience working with Dr. 杰夫和艾米一起参加家访. 他们 are also exposed to language study, community development, and discipleship training. This internship is frequently a life-changing experience for premed students, 影响他们对国际医疗特派团的看法.


以文科和圣经辅修课程为基础, premed students take at set of core courses that will meet medical school requirements and help prepare them for the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test). 核心课程包括两个学期的生物课程, 普通化学, 有机化学, 物理, 数学, 解剖学和生理学还有一学期的生物化学, 心理学, 和社会学. 另外, 医学预科生,主修生物学, 分子生物学, 或者化学上几门课 科学课程.


  • 免疫学
  • 结构与功能


Cedarville offers both graduate and undergraduate programs, with flexible completion options. 你可能也想 consider these related programs as you consider the degree or program that is a best fit for you.


  • 本科
  • 住宅
  • 四年













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